Thursday, September 23, 2010

Technology is taking over the world

I never used to consider myself much of a technological kinda person. I never cared much about fancy phones, or the cool things that computers could do, or anything like that. But that was before I began to use Apple products. It was about halfway through my college career that I officially became a technology nerd - I guess it would be more accurate to say an Apple technology nerd.

Really, once I got my iPhone it all went downhill from there. Now I can tweet, post on Facebook, and now blog all on the go from my phone. Technology is taking over the world, and it is awesome.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Homeward Bound

When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was Homeward Bound.  You know, the one with the two dogs and the cat.  I watched it all the time.  I wore that tape out.  Yes, tape.  Remember those?  The movie was about these three animals; Shadow the Golden Retriever, Chance the Mutt, and Sassy the prissy feline.  Each animal had its own distinct personality.  They each had their own strengths and weaknesses.  They each had to learn to live with each other, because in the end all three had one common goal.  They all were trying to find their way home.

Even though I haven't seen it in a number of years, I am now in my mid-20's and this movie is speaking true to me once again.  I am living in Mississippi - a far cry from where I grew up in NC - working in a church as a youth minister, while at the same time attending Seminary.  I am having to learn how to live in community with people who have their own personal distinctions, some more palatable than others.  I have already encountered a number of exciting adventures along with harrowing pitfalls, and no doubt have only barely scratched the surface of them all that await me.  And why, you and I both ask, am I doing all of this?  Because I am, we all are, homeward bound.  This life is not the end of the story, and the place that I live is not the place that I call home.  In fact, my home is not of this world.  And so during the time that I have here, I'm going to spend it learning, and loving, and continuously walking in the direction that leads home.  Home with my God.

In the words of the NC/TN singer-songwriter Thad Cockrell,
"When I'm asked about my situation,
Where I've been and where I'm bound.
Well, I've got no home
But I've got a destination."

 So let's live and love and travel in community with each other.  And let's share in this common goal, this common home that we are all trying to get to.