Saturday, October 2, 2010

On football, music, and procrastination

Today was a Saturday.  And what does Saturday in October mean?  That's right, football.  Before I moved to Mississippi I thought that I was a pretty avid sports fan, giving my fair share of support to football.  Not even close!  The people here in MS are absolutely crazy about their football.  CRAZY!!!  It is actually quite nice, now I'm not the only guy around with an unhealthy devotion to college athletics.  Granted, for me basketball is still king, but here, football is life.  So much so that I have to be sure to plan youth ministry events around the big games of the football season, both high school and college level.

Now today was a rough day in my football life.  My beloved NC State lost, which dashed our hopes of starting the season 5-0.  And to make it even worse, all day I've been thinking about an assignment that I have to do for school that I didn't realize needed to be done so soon.  Awesome.

But on a good note, I am going back to Raleigh for fall break this weekend.  I'll be going to see the Avett Brothers in concert, going to an NC State football game and will be ignoring school work all weekend.  I'm pumped.

Amazing how the emotions of a weekend can be so drastically different from the emotions of the very next weekend.  So fickle.


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